Install Headwind MDM in one minute

Android managed mode with MDM application

Did you know that most Android devices can work in a hidden managed mode?

It’s like “Parental Control” (managing hundreds of children!)

  • Only allowed applications
  • No access to device settings
  • Device desktop is configured on a server

Try it yourself in one minute!

Warning: managed mode requires resetting the device to factory defaults. This will erase all information (apps, pictures, etc.) from the device.

Notice: Headwind MDM uses IMEI (a unique identifier of your mobile device considered as a sensitive private information) to register your device. To display the QR code and start the setup, you must agree with Terms and Conditions.

  I agree with Headwind MDM Terms and Conditions

Step-by-step guide to enroll your device

1. Reset the device to factory defaults

Open Android settings, search for “Reset”, and confirm that you want to reset the device.

Wait until you get a welcome screen.

2. Tap 6 times on a welcome screen

Tap rapidly 6 times on the same place of a welcome screen. This will reveal a hidden “QR code provisioning” flow.

Some devices will ask you to set up some additional options like language and country.

Finally, you must see a camera surface.

3. Scan this QR code

Point the camera to this image.

Demo QR code of Headwind MDM

4. Follow the prompts of the setup wizard

The setup wizard will ask you to set up WiFi connection, and agree to some terms and conditions.

5. Wait until Headwind MDM loads required content

Headwind MDM will start with a black screen with “Loading…” progress bars. Wait until all required apps are downloaded.

That’s it! You can play with Headwind MDM demo.

Notice: your phone won’t be bricked or damaged! You can reset the phone to factory defaults at any time by selecting Android Settings on the Headwind MDM launcher desktop.

What’s next?

To start configuring a work profile and managing your business devices, request a trial account on our server. It’s free!

If you’re an experienced developer, you may install the free and open source Community version on your server. The Community version is designed specially for the developers running their apps on managed devices. You can download the Community version or view it on GitHub.