Save resources for technical support

Android application development companies can use Headwind MDM to simplify technical support for their corporate clients.

Support team

Below are the benefits of Headwind MDM for developers:

  • Remote “silent” application update without user confirmation
  • Maintain configurations for multiple groups
  • Remote logging (if Headwind MDM API is used)
  • Deploying and managing application settings (if Headwind MDM API is used)
  • Using a standalone system of Push notifications
  • Enhancing your app with the “Device owner” by using a shared MDM user

Headwind MDM Community Edition is designed specifically for developers. It’s free and open-source.

Project cost reduction

Headwind MDM is a standalone system for application deployment. It doesn’t use Google Play, Android for Work, or any other cloud services, so it could even work in a private corporate network (LAN, private APN, etc.).

Commercial MDM systems usually require companies to pay subscription fees for each managed device. For thousands of managed devices, MDM costs can become comparable with the development costs and remarkably increase the total project cost. Headwind MDM Community is a free MDM, neither you nor your customers have to pay for mobile device management.

Bulk application deployment

After initial installation to the device (for example, QR code based enrollment), the mobile agent is running as a foreground service, accepting Push notifications from the server. The device is used in the same way as an unmanaged device, a standard Android launcher is running.

When the admin is uploading a new application version, Headwind MDM web panel is sending the “Configuration update” Push notification to all related devices. Headwind MDM processes the notification and silently updates the app (user consent is not required).

As an option, you can run Headwind MDM launcher and set up which applications are visible on the desktop. This further improves the productivity of the users working with managed Android devices.

Downgrade Android applications

Although every mobile application update is thoroughly tested on a focus group prior to production mode deployment, sometimes an unstable version is sent to users, which entails a great deal of work to manually downgrade the version.

Headwind MDM automates the downgrade process and makes it fully remote.

Note that Android doesn’t allow downgrades without uninstallation, so users may lose their application data after a downgrade.

Custom development

Headwind MDM API makes it easier to develop custom mobile applications with back-end functions as Headwind MDM plugins. The backend is developed as a Java code for Tomcat, and Headwind MDM design makes it easy to re-use the developed plugins.

Additional revenue from reselling

After using the free Community Edition, some companies choose to upgrade to Enterprise and ask their IT support companies about the process. We’re happy to discuss Enterprise Edition reselling options and rewards with development and technical support companies.